(Difficulties In Life) Daily Motivation #2

Ever wondered why are you facing so many difficulties in life?

This world if you watch closely is still running on that one quote “Survival of the fittest.” You survive this world on daily basis with everyday a new difficulty and a new beginning. Don’t be a weak person or this world will eat you alive.

There were men/women in this world who have faced difficulties beyond your imagination and still are. From getting burned alive during the time of war to watch there closed one’s getting murdered. Every human being has faced difficulties. Even today you can see babies and women getting murdered in Palestine. When you compare your life in reference to those, you could see what wonderful life you are living right now.

Also, just imagine would it be worth living a life without any difficulty? No sorrows, no worries, no tensions. Just a happy life. You have everything you want in your life. This seems to be a life in heaven. Which means if we want this kind of life we have to die. But, until we are dead why not enjoy this only life of difficulties?

Difficulties in life are a test from God.

Remember, God test his great soldiers with bigger difficulties. The bigger the difficulty, the bigger you are in the eyes of God. It is not easy to be strong in this world. People have suffered a lot in this world. But, Never Gave Up.

Difficulties are just a test from God. They come to make you strong. In Quran (2:286), it says ” Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.” God loves you and he knows your worth. He knows that if he is giving you difficulties the only reason is because he wants you to have a greater comeback with much more Strength.

There are people in this world with no hands, no legs some cannot even see, some cannot talk. They are facing a lot of difficulties but are never giving up. Just pushing forward while thanking God for this life. Be thankful to God that you are still living on this earth and able to watch this amazing world with your own eyes.


Difficulties in life is just another way of feeling alive. Enjoy your life every moment. These difficulties are never going to end till you are alive. So why fear or be sad on these petty difficulties. Embrace the life of difficulties and never complain. Make yourself so strong that you can find your happiness in these difficulties.

Let me know in the comment section about your views.

You can read the blog about (Purpose Of Life) for more motivation.

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