Modern History of Jammu and Kashmir.

In modern history of Jammu and Kashmir we see after Aurangzeb the rulers later plundered and looted people and showed religious intolerance. Because of these situations in 1752 A.D two kashmiri men Miri Muquim Kant and Khwaja Zahir Didmari invited Ahmed Shah Abdali who was in Lahore and asked to capture the valley. Hence, the Afghan rule (1752-1819 A.D) was established in Kashmir.

Afghan Rule (1752-1819 A.D)

67 years of Afghan rule is known as the Darkest Period of Kashmir. People were looted by the rulers and Governors (Subedars). Because of these condition two Kashmiri Pandits (Birbal Dhar and Rajakak Dhar) went to lahore and asked Maharaja Ranjit Singh to conquer Kashmir. He conquered Kashmir by sending 30000 sikh soldiers in 1819 A.D.

Sikh Rule in Kashmir (1819-1846 A.D)

Mostly sikh rulers were seating in Lahore and they ruled Kashmir through their governors. Diwan Moti Ram was first such governor. The rulers paid very little attention because of seating so far. Neglection of Rulers and the calamities from nature worsened the condition of the people.

Anglo Sikh War (1845-1846 A.D)

Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1839 A.D died and the sikh rulers became weak. East India Company (EIC) captured Lahore and the other areas of Sikh Empire when they came to know about the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Sheikh-Imam-Ud-Din was the last sikh governor of Jammu and Kashmir. EIC came to power after this in Kashmir.

Treaty of Amritsar 1846 A.D

Gulab Singh (Name given by Maharaja Ranjit Singh) came into treaty with EIC who was an Army Chief of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Kashmir was sold to Gulab Singh for 75 lakh rupees on 16th March 1846 by EIC. He became Maharaja Gulab Singh and gained the rule of Jammu and Kashmir. It was marked as the beginning of Dogra Dynasty in Jammu and Kashmir.

Dogra Dynasty (1846-1947 A.D)

The first ruler of Jammu and Kashmir from 1846-1857 A.D became Maharaja Gulab Singh. Son of Maharaja Gulab Singh (Maharaja Ranbir Singh) ascended the throne from 1857-1885. After him, his son Maharaja Pratap Singh became the king from 1885-1925 A.D. Following him, his Nephew Maharaja Hari Singh became the ruler of Jammu and Kashmir from 1925-1947 A.D.

Partition of India In 1947

British India was divided into 2 independent Nations i.e. India and Pakistan after Indian Independence Act 1947. Kashmir along with other princely states was given 3 options:

  • Be with India
  • Join Pakistan
  • Remain Independent

Maharaja Hari Singh decided to remain Independent. Following this J&K face a tribal attack from Pakistan.

Accession of Jammu and Kashmir

After this tribal attack on Jammu and Kashmir from Pakistan, Maharaja Hari Singh went to India to seek help. He agreed to accede Kashmir with India in return of help from Indian government. But there were some conditions put forth by Maharaja Hari Singh which was popularly known as Article 370. On 26th of October Maharaja Hari Singh signed the instrument of accession with India and J&K became the part of India. This marked as the end of Dogra Dynasty.


In Conclusion we can say, Modern history of Jammu and Kashmir started from Afghan rule after the death of Aurangzeb and at last ended with the Accession of Jammu and Kashmir. You can also read about Brief History of J&K according to exam pattern and Brief Medieval History of Jammu and Kashmir.

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